At first glance, the lines bursting from the left of the “A” induces the feeling of movement and excitement.
However, delving deeper, the shape is based on Adinkra, which is “visual symbols that represent concepts or aphorisms,” deriving from the ancient Western African culture. Specifically, we chose the Sesa Wo Suba (se-sa wo su-ban) - a powerful symbol of life transformation, meaning “change your character”.
Pulling from this ancient symbolism, the logo encourages people to make a positive change to the world through their actions.

We spent a lot of time interviewing and gathering information from executive leaders and operational leaders to better grasp the heart of ABC as well as to fully understand the details each program offers.
Not only did our discoveries lead us to consistently name and categorize each of the 20 programs across the brand, but the final product itself has become a powerful tool to educate potential participants, donors, volunteers, and employees.

We designed supporting pieces to help strengthen and unify the ABC brand as well as provided mock-up visuals to assist in understanding how to carry the brand forward internally.