In order to maintain a unique identity among other dental offices that assume their name from the owner or the location in which they are based, Dr. C and UCO together named "Celestial Dental" with the agreed slogan "Launching Stellar Smiles".
By combining the doctor’s two passions in dentistry and astronomy, the brand and corresponding assets serve as a core differentiator among dental offices in the area.
The primary objective of the brand identity was to make Dr. C's personality come alive by tastefully merging his two biggest passions into one. The secondary objective was to position the brand far away from the boring and often times fearful feeling of visiting the dentist.

We extended the brand's identity seamlessly online by designing a fully-customized website married with a clean, interactive, and easily digestible interface.
Below is the initial sitemap blueprint used when discussing and developing the full website.

We developed key icons alongside services to refine the brand, adding an additional layer of familiarity, comfortability, and approachability to potential and current patients.

Extending the brand, we developed, designed, and managed print for every branded touchpoint to strengthen and unify the brand altogether. This included business cards, letterheads, envelopes, pens, direct mailers, branded desktop/iPad backgrounds, patient check-in forms - you name it!
We even illustrated signs for each of the seven operatories (rooms) that the doctor named after influential American space missions.

Continuing to nail the brand's first impression, we designed the patient intake forms to follow suit with all other branded materials.
Not only did we integrate them with Celestial's third-party dental software system to speed up the monotonous intake process, we added a couple whimsical true and false questions, such as "Pluto is a definitely a planet" and "I'd like to 'brush up' on my space trivia" 😆
Workflow additionally included uniform design, email setup with branded signatures, patient communication voicemails, and text message greeting setup.